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Privacy Policy

Your Privacy

Strategic Know How respects your privacy. Prior to reporting the results of any survey, the information that you provide will be combined with information gathered from other survey participants. Therefore, your company or individual information is treated as confidential and is protected; it will be used for our research purposes only. None of the information will be used for subsequent non-research purposes, such as direct marketing.

If you have any questions, contact us at answers@skh.com.au.

Market and Social Research Industry Privacy Code

The Market and Social Research Privacy Code, approved by the Privacy Commissioner, came into effect on 1 September 2003.

The Market and Social Research Privacy Principles (M&SRPPs) replace the National Privacy Principles in governing the handling of information about the subjects of research for all Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) members.

The M&SRPPs are tailored to the market and social research industry and provide benefits for the research industry as a whole, by sending a positive message that the industry is conscious of the public's privacy concerns and active in protecting privacy.

Further information, including a copy of the M&SRPPs, can be found on the AMSRO website.